Cut the small stuff and you cut the productivity
A little goes a long way. That old cliché can be applied to multiple industries and rings true in a wide range of contexts: from hospitality to teaching, and sport to business management.
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But we are proud to say that Glen Maxwell-Heron contributed 67 entries already.
A little goes a long way. That old cliché can be applied to multiple industries and rings true in a wide range of contexts: from hospitality to teaching, and sport to business management.
It is often said that the best results in any business enterprise come as a result of teamwork. Any team, however, needs leadership, and in order to be clear on what the targets are, that leadership needs to come from one individual. But all too often, team leaders, be they line managers, senior managers, directors […]
Effective communication is the bedrock of every successful organisation: helping to engage team members internally and to promote a positive external image. Understanding how different personalities process information, and whether their preferences are based on emotion or logic can help your communications be even more effective, and more openly received.
Do you know how you will get your business to the place you want it to be? Before that: do you have a good idea of where you want to go with your organisation? An effective leader should have a good understanding of where their business is going, and an overview of the steps to […]
Establishing a company culture is a long process that takes continuous effort to embed it. It is easiest when everyone works in the same place but in an organisation with physically disparate teams, it can be difficult for a culture to take hold and even more difficult to sustain it.
“And I’ve looked over, and I’ve seen the promised land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
The Eisenhower Decision Matrix is one of those simple-yet-effective leadership tools that crops up in leadership skills circles all the time, although sometimes under a different name. The idea was derived from an Eisenhower quote, ‘What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldom important.’ As leaders, we can often end up […]
“Once a month, go to lunch with someone who knows more about your business than you do.” Author H Jackson Brown.
Your attitudes, values, emotions, and moods will influence how you behave, whatever situation you are in. How you feel about a particular task that day will directly affect how much effort you put into it and, consequently, the success of that task.
Having a life outside of work is highly important; not having one is detrimental to the mental health and wellbeing of everyone in the organisation. There is a lot a pressure on people and having a demanding job or boss can sometimes affect personal lives.