Entries by Glen Maxwell-Heron

How to effectively manage change in your organisation

Change is inevitable within any business – whatever the sector they are in. Some common kinds of change faced by organisations include downsizing, changing locations and restructuring. One thing is true for all changes in business and that is that they affect employees. It doesn’t matter whether the change is positive for an organisation or […]

How leaders can deal with conflict in the workplace

Conflicts at work are extremely common. Indeed, it is not possible to make change without conflict happening. However if it is not managed correctly or becomes too personal, it may adversely affect the motivation and team morale of other employees. Then the working environment can become toxic and negative if strategies aren’t put in place […]

4 ways to stop good employees from leaving

One of the key roles of a leadership position is to retain and motivate your team to the best of your ability. Indeed, retention is a key metric that indicates the health of the organisation. If you believe you have a good team with a number of exceptional employees, ensuring that those individuals stay within […]

Leadership lessons from Eddie Jones

It is that time of year when groups of men gather from all corners of Europe and come together to represent their countries by putting their bodies on the line: yes, the 6 Nations is here again. This tournament provides some fascinating insights in to leadership every year: how do you motivate people to give […]

3 proven leadership lessons from sports coaches

When it comes to finding inspirational leadership within the massive sports arena, you need look no further than the coach. Sports stars are often well-rewarded for their efforts on the pitch but they still have to be motivated to put their bodies on the line – often with real risk of injury or death. The […]

Building a team to do something we have never done before….

“Change is constant and the pace is getting quicker” is the common wisdom and I haven’t seen anything that disproves it. This means that organisations and teams need to change and evolve constantly. As internal and external forces act on them or their area of operations change, they have to react. Often organisations need to […]

Bad News and Leadership – Part 2

In the last blog article, I took at an example of best practice when bad news comes from within your team. However, bad news can also come from anywhere else. For example, it could be from external sources or the rest of the management team. Even changing business circumstances can (and should) make it obvious […]

Bad news and leadership – Part 1

Bad news is not the best thing in the world but as a leader but you do have to listen to it, deal with it, work with its implications, results and possibly take decisive action because of it. Over the next couple of blog articles I am going to look at aspects of how you […]

Changing team members to improve performance

Sport continues to provide some excellent team scenarios that all leaders can learn from. I have used football management as a source of inspiration before and there was more useful advice earlier this year. Sam Allardyce is the current manager of West Ham United FC. He was talking about the realism needed about expectations once […]