Entries by Glen Maxwell-Heron

Re-focus your worrying

As a leader, it is your role to carry the map and navigate your team and company on a journey towards change and betterment. Sometimes it is easy to get lost on this path by focusing on the things that don’t matter and on the things that you can’t change. Worrying about what will happen […]

Would you go on holiday to an earthquake zone?

The recent hurricanes and other disasters sweeping parts of the world may give you pause for thought about your holiday destination. Yet, every year, millions of us are herded into thin metal tubes with wings and fast-moving engine parts, all at various points in their fatigue-design lifespan. We fly to earthquake, flood or hurricane zones […]

When was the last time you read a newspaper?

For Warren Buffet, the route to success as a CEO was to “read five-hundred pages a week… That’s how knowledge builds up, like compound interest“. While this seems like a lot, newspapers are the perfect source of information for many and are a great way to shift towards hitting your weekly word-count. But with the […]

Risk is the forgotten element of the business plan

Any business plan we develop needs to consider a number of factors when assessing the timeframe for progression and the targets that will reflect it. When we make a business plan, it is our ambition that drives us; an ambition to succeed, to make a difference, and ultimately to leave a legacy that just might […]