Entries by Glen Maxwell-Heron

Is cash keeping you afloat or dragging you down?

A full order book is no longer a sure sign of company prosperity. These days, cash in the bank is the only real indicator of success. In the current pressure cooker economy, the most effective leaders are the ones who have their finger on the financial pulse of their organisations. Leaders have long-term strategies to […]

Do you have an emotional contract with your employee?

What is an emotional contract? According to Adrian Furnham, author of The Talented Manager, “The psychological contract is essentially concerned with a set of expectations and obligations. Employees come to believe […] that they are being offered various things, such as: security of employment; promotion prospects and opportunities; training and development programmes; help and care […]

Change has risk associated with it

There are times in life and business when you’re presented with a set of new decisions or choices that will define the future for you or your company. But how do you know if you’re making the right choice? Or even if there’s a right choice at all? You may be facing a “which is […]

Why captain fantastic is so important

When you think of infamous sports teams, your attention is often drawn to the glitz and glamour of superstar players and pivotal moments. However, an incredibly interesting new line of research seems to suggest that a strong, inspirational captain is far more important to continued success.

What’s holding you back from taking the first step?

Part of being a high performing leader is ensuring your staff members are comfortable in their working environment, as well as being supportive to watch them grow and take their first step to success. By comfortable, I don’t mean that the desk is at the right height or the chair is well adjusted! For many […]

Knowledge is power – the good and the bad

If you have commissioned a customer satisfaction survey, or worked with stakeholders on their expectations of your business, you will understand the value of honest feedback. As wonderful as it is to hear how brilliant your company is performing and how satisfied your customers and stakeholders are, it is imperative to the growth and future […]